Center for Learning Effectiveness
When you think about goals, you may tend to focus on performance goals. However, there are advantages to looking beyond immediate results. Consider how learning and behavior goals can strengthen your abilities and enrich your life.

Basic Principles Behind Learning and Behavior Goals
1. Enjoy the journey. While performance goals target outcomes, learning and behavior goals are more concerned about the process. You pay attention to how you approach a complex task rather than tracking just the final results.
2. Focus on knowledge and strategy. Learning goals make sense when you need to ensure that you’re equipped for what you have in mind. For example, it takes more than effort and persistence to build an app. You would need to master design and programming, or work with someone who has a development background.
3. Develop personal qualities. Similarly, your objective may be to reinforce personality traits and values that you find admirable. For example, looking at your life as a whole may reveal that you would benefit from being more patient or proactive.
4. Reduce setbacks. Performance goals usually help us to work harder, but sometimes they can backfire if we’re being pushed beyond our current abilities. Learning goals protect us from becoming burned out or cutting corners.
5. Invest your resources. Picking up news skills and knowledge requires time and effort. It may take a while to see changes.
6. Think creatively. One of the most beautiful things about learning and development goals are the opportunities they create. You are free to use your imagination and be innovative. Look for multiple ways to approach a project. Experiment with new and interesting methods.
7. Branch out. While you can probably find more variety in your familiar routines, take advantage of the potential to venture into new areas. If you’ve been working in accounting for years, find out what it’s like to study acting or botany. Use your free time for volunteer work that deepens your compassion or creative projects that bring out your artistic side.
